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Do you own a hot tub or spa? If so, you’re in luck – if not, you may want to consider the investment as we transition into the new year for health.


Health? Yes! You may be surprised to know that a relaxing evening in the hot tub or a quick ten-minute dip can actually provide you with a multitude of health benefits.


What types of health benefits can you look forward to from spending time in a hot tub?


Improved Sleep

Try a late night dip, without your electronics (blue light from phones, iPads and more can keep you awake) – just like a relaxing bath, the warm water can soothe the body and prepare it for sleep. Cold bodies tend to be disrupted throughout the sleeping cycle, while warm ones fall asleep quicker and stay asleep.


Relaxed Muscles


The bubbles in your hot tub aren’t just fun for kids to play with – the hydrotherapy actually relaxes muscles and relieves pressure from your nerves. Through the hydrotherapeutic cycle in a hot tub (powerful jets) you can relieve stress and feel more relaxed like after a massage.


Find Your Glow


Not only do the jets help with muscle recovery and relaxation, but hot tub hydrotherapeutic jet circulation enhances blood flow in the body as well. Spending time relaxing will also improve your circulation, therefore digestion and skin tone.


Release Anxiety

Warm water, cozy snuggles.. No phone or email to distract you – ah, temporarily relaxed! However, studies show that the combination of relaxing hot water, jets and feeling supported by the water reduce mental and physical stress resulting in less anxiety.


Help with Blood Sugar

The New England Journal of Medicine states that people with type 2 diabetes who spent 30 minutes in a hot tub for 6 days a week, over three weeks saw a drop in blood glucose levels by almost 30 mg. Common hypothesis around this has to do with the similarity between hot tub soaking and exercise.


Now, who is ready for a nice evening dip?


Give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 214-9166! We will help your hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit our website at or email


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