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Electronics Protection in Outdoor Living Spaces

After years of bringing the outdoors in, people are moving back outside, soaking up nature for all it’s worth. From kitchens to living rooms, even game areas, our yards have truly become an extension of our homes. It’s also 2018, which means electronics are in every aspect of our lives. This means they are apart of our outdoor living spaces as well. The two concepts though—outdoor living and electronics—haven’t completely caught up to each other. This means that we need to take precautions on our behalf as well. Luckily Outdoor Hardscapes is here with tips for electronic protection in outdoor living spaces.


  1. Solar Caps for Lights
    1. Harness the light for yourself! Instead of running cords, use solar powered caps on top of lighting that is placed around your yard and living space. This might be a bit more difficult for larger fixtures, ones that are under a gazebo or pergola for example so make sure that for those lights you are using proper, sturdy outdoor covers. But for all of those sidewalk and/or pool accent spots, use these caps for both protections against the elements and as a way to provide electricity.
  2. Inset Storage for Audio
    1. So many times, we step outside for a party, relaxation or a nice quiet dinner. All of these benefit from a bit of mood music. But audio systems are not easy on the wallet so you don’t want to risk the elements getting the best of your investment. Build inset spaces to put the larger control centers. Then use element covers for speakers. This means finally getting your own modern version of the rock speakers that you probably used to laugh at due to their obviousness. As technology evolves though so does design and you can find plenty of stylish options to provide both ample sound and protection.
  3. Covers for Televisions
    1. If you really want to create an outdoor living space then you need to have a television. But just like the stereo systems, this is too much of an investment to just throw out there with little to no protection. Cover the screen up right away to be safe. When covering it though don’t just choose any jacket you can find. A simple plastic cover might seem like enough to keep water out but it’s also important to remember you don’t want to keep out condensation in. Any sort of dew or humidity can seep through and once there, a full jacket will trap that moisture in, effectively ruining your screen and it’s inner workings. Instead find one that is waterproof and breathable. Or if you really want to take protective steps, spend a bit more on a spray that will allow you to apply it directly to the screen for protection, like a scotch guard.
  4. Buried Wires
    1. The flip side of dealing with electronics is having to find a place for the wiring. Keep them buried to ensure safety for both the wiring and your own family.


Don’t let yourself be trapped inside simply for the use of technology.  Take life back to nature while still enjoying modern comforts with these electronics protections in outdoor living spaces. When you’re ready to make these updates call Outdoor Hardscapes to help bring this dream to life. Give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 214-9166! We will help your landscape and hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit our Outdoor Living Area.


© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind”


Koi Ponds: Reasons You Need One

There’s something about seeing a koi pond that causes people to immediately feel happy, overjoyed and entranced. There’s almost a kid like wonder for even the most hardened of adults…unless your Michael Scott in “The Office” and have a traumatic experience during which you can’t get out of a koi pond no matter how much you fight. For the rest of us, though, these little oasis’s have numerous benefits. Outdoor Hardscapes provides a few by examining koi ponds and the reasons you need one.

Stress Relief

These beautiful water features and their inhabitants have been shown to lower stress in those that visit them often. This can be especially beneficial for someone with high blood pressure or a patient who has just experienced a stroke. This is why you can find koi ponds at hospitals and nursing homes. These ponds are usually  larger thanks to the tranquility of the space.

Good Luck

The Japanese—who first originated this idea—believe that the area brings good luck and fortune to the space and/or home that it inhabits. Koi will swim against the stream as well so the Japanese also believe the fish help pass on “perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose.”

Easy Pet

If you want a pet but aren’t quite ready to commit to a cat or dog then choose the much simpler option of a Koi and place them in their pond. This will require a bit more work up front since you will have to construct the pool and habitat. But after that initial bit of work, the animals are essentially self-reliant save for a quick feeding. And they are beautiful to watch!

Equity Value

Real estate agents will tell you that having a koi pond immediately increases the value of your home. The reason is not concrete but it’s believed that the addition represents a certain style, makes a statement and of course, provides the aforementioned health benefits. While this is still technically dependent on the right buyer finding the pond appealing, studies show that the majority of buyers are attracted to the area.


Attracts Natural Beauty

The installation of a koi pond will mean some planting of flowers and plants around the rocks and other barriers. Then over time, the ecosystem will adapt around the area to include even more colorful plants. This, in turn, will attract birds, butterflies, and other nature. With the installation of the pond, you are increasing nature’s footprint in your yard tenfold.


Koi will eat right out of your hand when it’s flat. So if you have children, this can be especially beneficial. The feeding time will be fun for them while also giving you an opportunity to teach them about different parts of nature and how everything works together. It’s a built-in educational tool.

Once you’ve examined Koi ponds and the reasons you need one and it will become clear how helpful these oases can be in your yard and your life. At that point call Outdoor Hardscapes to help bring this dream to life. Give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 214-9166! We will help your landscape and hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit our Outdoor Living Area.

© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”

4 Styles of Fire Pits from Outdoor Hardscapes

After being cooped up all winter—and what a frigid winter it was—many of us along the Gulf Coast are ready to move back into nature. As the weather warms, we begin to dream of nights under the stars in our backyards with friends all gathered around a fire pit. That last part seems essential to any backyard hangout. Just choosing to bring the flames into your yard though is the first step. Then there’s the matter of deciding what kind of pit works best in your space and for your needs. Here are four styles of fire pits from Outdoor Hardscapes to help you determine the best option for your yard.


  1. Stone Wall
    1. This classic look will work well in both grassy areas and off a patio. The stone size, color and texture can vary depending on the exact aesthetic you’d like to achieve. Some things will remain the same no matter the yard however. The stone wall fire pit is one that is built above ground, usually in a circular shape. It can be built into an existing wall if need be or be free standing.
  2. In-Ground Pit
    1. For something a little more permanent and natural, go below the dirt for an in-ground pit. This can still be lined with stone, brick or another material. Doing this will keep dirt from eroding away, making your pit long lasting. We make sure to line the bottom with some sort of gravel; since we’re digging into the ground, wet dirt can become a problem so a barrier layer will help keep the moisture from dousing your flames.
  3. Cowboy Campfire
    1. The original fire pit, a cowboy campfire is the kind you’d see out on the range. It lends itself to marshmallow roasting and bonfires no matter the time of years. A cowboy campfire is generally indicative of a pit that can also be used for cooking. This will require a much larger and hotter fire than something that’s used just to set the mood. Combat any danger by lining your area with stone and cement that is packed specifically to withstand extreme temperatures. Add hooks and braces for griddles to complete your workingman fire pit.
  4. Portable Globe
    1. Take your fire pit with you even if you move. A smaller and portable globe can be packed if you want to reuse the device at a new home. It also means you can consider different options for your yard. Instead of pouring something more permanent, move the globe around, taking into account accessibility and seating. Consider spots on a porch or creating a patio just for the extra fire pit lounge. Move it from underneath a gazebo to sit closer to the pool. The options are endless when you don’t limit yourself to a permanent spot. Since these are manufactured there is also a larger variety in terms of color and textiles.


Get a jump-start on your spring and summer nights by considering one of these four styles of fire pits from Outdoor Hardscapes for your yard. If you are considering a fire pit or renovating an existing one, give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 214-9166! We will help your landscape and hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit our Outdoor Living Area.


© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind”




Signs That Your Yard Needs A Retaining Wall

What Is A Retaining Wall?


A retaining wall allows for additional support to stop the earth from moving downhill with erosion. Retaining walls are often found anywhere that needs extra protection from natural weather occurrences. Most commonly, they can be found in areas that allow for protection from water seeping into gardens or nicer areas in your yard.


How Do I Know If I Need One?


  • You might need a retaining wall if you’re experiencing any downhill erosion in your yard, or excess water runoff.


  • If your home is on a sliding hill vs. a flat surface, a retaining wall might also be a good idea.


  • If you are remodeling your backyard, it might be time to look into this feature as an upgrade.




  1. New Land To Use


Retaining walls can create a terrace to use on a land slope. Landscaping becomes much easier with a level area in your lawn, which this wall surface can provide.


  1. Manage Water Runoff


Retaining walls help manage the flow of excess rain.


  1. Extra Seats For Friends And Family


Depending on the location in your yard, this might be your new favorite spot to pop up on and enjoy the greenery of your garden or view from your yard.


What Can I Do If I’m Interested In A Retaining Wall?


Contact our team of professionals to give you an estimate and discuss what remodel inclusion of a retaining wall can do for your yard. We can find the best fit to optimize your yard and keep natural erosion and rainwater from impacting your plants or greenery.


Retaining walls can come in a variety of shapes and materials including timber walls, interlocking blocks, poured concrete, or natural stone.


Give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 214-9166! We will help your hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit our website at or email


© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”

Hot Tub Health Benefits

Do you own a hot tub or spa? If so, you’re in luck – if not, you may want to consider the investment as we transition into the new year for health.


Health? Yes! You may be surprised to know that a relaxing evening in the hot tub or a quick ten-minute dip can actually provide you with a multitude of health benefits.


What types of health benefits can you look forward to from spending time in a hot tub?


Improved Sleep

Try a late night dip, without your electronics (blue light from phones, iPads and more can keep you awake) – just like a relaxing bath, the warm water can soothe the body and prepare it for sleep. Cold bodies tend to be disrupted throughout the sleeping cycle, while warm ones fall asleep quicker and stay asleep.


Relaxed Muscles


The bubbles in your hot tub aren’t just fun for kids to play with – the hydrotherapy actually relaxes muscles and relieves pressure from your nerves. Through the hydrotherapeutic cycle in a hot tub (powerful jets) you can relieve stress and feel more relaxed like after a massage.


Find Your Glow


Not only do the jets help with muscle recovery and relaxation, but hot tub hydrotherapeutic jet circulation enhances blood flow in the body as well. Spending time relaxing will also improve your circulation, therefore digestion and skin tone.


Release Anxiety

Warm water, cozy snuggles.. No phone or email to distract you – ah, temporarily relaxed! However, studies show that the combination of relaxing hot water, jets and feeling supported by the water reduce mental and physical stress resulting in less anxiety.


Help with Blood Sugar

The New England Journal of Medicine states that people with type 2 diabetes who spent 30 minutes in a hot tub for 6 days a week, over three weeks saw a drop in blood glucose levels by almost 30 mg. Common hypothesis around this has to do with the similarity between hot tub soaking and exercise.


Now, who is ready for a nice evening dip?


Give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 214-9166! We will help your hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit our website at or email


© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”


If you turn on any home and garden TV channel, it won’t be long before you hear the term “bring the outside in.” We spend so much time and energy making the insides of our home feel like an extension of nature when all we really want to do is be back in said nature. It’s the instinctual desire that had led to the popularity of outdoor living spaces. We yearn to spend as much time surrounded by the fresh air and vegetation as possible. Eventually, we must eat, thus was born the outdoor kitchen. This “room” is a throwback to how food was prepared centuries ago while marrying the old ways with modern conveniences. It takes a lot more than just the swipe of the screen seen on those renovation shows though. It takes foresight and Outdoor Hardscapes is here to help with that by letting you in on these tips for planning the perfect outdoor kitchen.


  • Provide Proper Food Storage and Prep

If you’re going to truly give yourself an outdoor kitchen then don’t limit yourself to just a grill. Bring the entire kit and caboodle to nature. While you don’t need a sub-zero industrial refrigerator, a mini-fridge can be helpful to store wine or condiments while the rest is being cooked. And just like inside, you want to give yourself plenty of room to prep whatever food is required. The space can be used to prepare everything from cheese and crackers to hamburgers. When laying out your outdoor space, remember to plan for what you’ll need to include this. Electricity and/or gas needed for the cooktop, fridge will need to be close to the house or nearest power pole and gas tank. By planning ahead to run electricity and gas to your kitchen, you’ll be able to incorporate a lot of the following elements as well.

  • Protection from Weather

Being in nature means you have to prepare for actually being in nature. You don’t want to shut down the party because a summer shower pops up or it gets a little cold in the fall. Think about the environment in which you live and then plan accordingly. This could mean mosquito netting around the sides, a rain top, or a propane heater…or all of the above! The key is to work with the weather that can be expected with being outside instead of fighting against it.

  • Find Good Landscape and Views

Part of the beauty of having an outdoor kitchen is being able to enjoy all the natural wonder. But, just like the weather, you need to work with it, not against. If you’re going to build a deck in the mountains, find a plateau large enough for your plans. Build up off the shifty sand on the beach. In the city, head to the roof for more square footage. Find a good landscape to support your space. And definitely make sure you have a decent view. That’s part of the fun of being outside.

  • Hang Adequate Lighting

Once night falls, stay outside to soak up the stars and evening sounds. If you’re still going to be cooking or hanging out in a group, you’re going to need some light. It doesn’t have to look like an airport runway, but just enough to provide a bubble. String up some market lights or just post torches at the corners to cast a glow that works well under the velvet sky. You can put them on timers or make them manual so you can check out the stars when the mood hits.

  • Incorporate Natural Elements

There’s nothing that looks stranger than forcing an element where it doesn’t belong. When planning your outdoor kitchen, take account of the landscape around you and build from it. This can mean using limestone for flooring or wood beams as a pergola. Whatever your style, you want to create a natural flow from your outdoor space back into nature.


There are few things as pure as the great outdoors. Live your life in the fresh air as much as possible and make the transition seamless with these tips for planning the perfect outdoor kitchen from Outdoor Hardscapes.  Don’t forget to throw in the fire pit to really tie the bow on the whole area!


If you are considering an outdoor kitchen or renovating an existing one, give Outdoor Hardscapes a call today at (251) 262-2591! We will help your landscape and hardscape dream ideas come to life. We have the experience and know-how to create amazing outdoor spaces and we will take your outdoor living to the next level. Visit


© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”